Sunday, February 21, 2010

January Council Accountability Report

Accountability Report

For the month of January, 2010, the citizens of Edmonds should be made aware of the following items.

“Open and transparent government” has been named as a priority by this Council, but the contrary has been pursued by Council members:

• Council President Bernheim and members Plunkett, Orvis, and Fraley-Monillas considered and voted to approve an interim ordinance in regard to Title 20 in the Tuesday, January 5th meeting. The item was not on the agenda but rather added at 11:30 pm. Citizens were not notified of this and citizens were not permitted to comment on the ordinance.

In addition, the following City Council members engaged in behavior contrary to their mission and duty as Council members:

• Council member Orvis: Still awaiting trial on Child Abuse, criminal charges. He has received multiple continuances since the incident occurred in 2009. Council member Orvis has admitted to committing the abuse.
• Council President Bernheim and members Plunkett, Fraley-Monillas, and Buckshnis were witnessed apparently violating a WA State law, the Open Meetings Act, by participating in what appeared to be an illegal quorum on Tuesday, January 19, 2010. Whether or not the act was illegal, the appearance of fairness is considered the litmus test, and no member of the “quorum” has taken responsibility or apologized.

1 comment:

  1. John, consider doing a PDA request for all emails from the 5 horseman's personal email accounts. I bet you'll find more.
